A bottle represents a rigid container that is characterized by having a narrower neck and mouth than body. They are generally employed to store liquids and are fabricated from diverse materials such as glass, clay, clay, plastic and aluminum.
In etymology, the word "bottle" derives from the old French "boteille", originating from the Latin "butticula", and in turn from the late Latin "buttis" which means "barrel" (cask). The conception of the automatic glass blowing machine in 1880 accomplished industrialization of its manufacturing process allowing for mass distribution locating bottles in most homes around the world.
Bottles & containers become an essential element of a graphic identity in a product brand allowing differentiation and communication, through a volume, of the brand's personality and tone of voice.
For this collection, we showcase our vision of applied design in custom container volumes, as well as proposals including production-line bottles from diverse projects in our work portfolio.